Hey magic maker,
know how you're
going to make your most important vision real in 2018?
with a day of wonder...
tuesday, december 19th, 9:30-4:00
NYC (midtown)
A LIVE, hands on day of learning and creation
in which you will choose the single most important thing you want to see happen this year
and design the strategy that will get you there,
in alignment with your true values, needs and desires,
so you can have an impact doing what you were put on this planet to do,
and have the time and freedom you want for
the things that are most important to you that bring you joy.
Pretty AWESOME, right?!
YOU are a Light-Bringer. This day was designed for you, to help take your millions of fantastic ideas and distill them down to their essence, and to help get that essence out into the world.
Do you know that the world needs your particular brand of magic right now, but have been struggling with how to get it out of your head and into people's hands?
Do you get the chills every time you see what's possible—and then find yourself stuck in a loop of indecision, paralysis and overwhelm?
Is your Vision capable of transforming lives, if only you could articulate it clearly, sidestep the spots where you keep getting sabotaged, break it down into doable steps you actually implement, and become confident that you really are capable of delivering on your promise?
If so, give yourself a time out from the constant demands and expectations of your business and life to really get clear on what you want, to start to shift longstanding patterns that no longer serve you, and to set yourself up with a more effective game plan for 2018.
This is the year.
This Day of Wonder is designed specifically for inspiring entrepreneurs and visionaries who are making a big impact (or dreaming of making a bigger impact) to envision your 2018 and bring the obstacles out into the light before you even start the new year so you have a strategy that actually feels good and makes sense.
All with the best company, support, guidance, breakthroughs, laughter, food, vulnerability, encouragement, expansion, activation, magic and, of course, copious amounts of glitter.
Give yourself this day!!! Plan, play, create in a time and space that is outside of your regular business and life. Shake it up, get a different perspective, get fantastic feedback from some real smarty-pants and share your own brilliance with other visionaries who are making a difference.
I will guide you through my Big Wish™ process and share direct insights into your Vision, your challenges and your strategy. Being surrounded by others who are carving their own paths will remind you that you're not alone, motivate you to dream big, and make you get your work done! : )
NOTE: This is a "DOING" day.
On Tuesday, December 19th, from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM we will be digging in to figure out what you want MOST out of this year, and setting you up to make it happen.
You will uncover both greater clarity around your Vision and practical, tactical steps you can take NOW to start bringing it to life.
You will leave with a map to guide you into 2018 AND a deeper knowing of how much you're truly capable of—which, by the way, is a killer combination.
Know you belong at the Day of Wonder? SWEET! I can't wait to play with you!
Grab your spot now (click below) and you'll be off and running on the glittery next leg of your Visionary's Journey!
Join the Day of Wonder for $295, and receive everything that's waiting for you.
9:30-10:00 Arrive, sign in, shmooze with other Visionaries
10:00-12:45 Morning Session
12:45-1:30 Lunch (included)
1:30-3:00 Afternoon session
3:00-4:00 Awesome thing that I can't tell you about yet* + closing ritual & more time for connecting and co-creating